Why do Protons have positive charge?

We all know protons have positive charge particles electrons are negatively charged particles and neutrons have no charge at all; but have you ever thought about this why it is so? 

Why do protons bear positive charge, electrons have negative charge?

In this article we will be discussing about this particular topic in detail.


Proton neutron and electrons are considered as fundamental particles.

Fundamental particles are those which cannot be further divided and these are the building blocks for every thing that we see from atom to molecule, compounds, large substances but due to development of modern science leading to new research which says that protons and neutrons are itself made up of quark particles. That means the protons and neutrons cannot be considered fundamental particles because these are further divided into quark particles. So Quarks must be considered as Fundamental Particles instead of Protons and Neutrons.

There are various types quark particle but we are discussing only three particles in this particular topic

The first one is Upwork which have +2/3 charge 

The second one is Down quark which have -1/3 charge and the third one is electron which itself is a quark called lepton which has -1 charge(as we all have read in our Science textbooks)

These different quark particles are combined together in different ratios due to which different structures like proton and neutrons are formed.

Protons are made up of two up quarks and one down quark. So, the total charge of proton would be the result of net charge of two up Quarks and one down Quark. 

Let's calculate the charge of proton mathematically by applying basics laws of Physics and mathematics.

Net charge= Charge of two up Quark +                                 Charge of one down Quark

                       =2×(+⅔) + -⅓

                       =+4/3 -1/3


So the net charge of proton is + 1

Neutron consists of one up Quark and two down Quarks. So, the net charge of neutron is the result of net charge of one up Quark and two down Quarks.

Let's calculate the charge of neutron by the similar method as we did above

Net charge= Charge of one up Quark +                                    Charge of two down Quarks

                     =+⅔ + (-⅓)×2

                     =+⅔ + -⅔


As we can see the net charge of neutrons comes out to be zero. This is because the charge of one up quark is cancelled out by charge of two down quarks.

That's why neutrons are neutral i.e., have no charge.

Proton, neutron, mass, Physics, particle physics, new, education, money

So now if someone ask you why protons are positive and neutrons are neutral, you can give them a better answer.

Thanks for reading

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Hope to see you again 

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